Friday, January 29, 2010

Changing Habits

Yesterday, one of our patients came in for her second follow-up visit after starting the program and she had lost 11 pounds in the first ten days... not bad, eh? When I asked her how she was doing with the diet portion, she couldn't wait to show me a picture of her shopping cart on her last visit to the grocery store. She said that she was so proud that she actually made a couple rounds through the store just to show off her healthy shopping cart. Needless to say, I was very proud of her!

The standard American diet (S.A.D.) consists of 95% processed food (from a box, bag or can) and so the next time you are grocery shopping, stop and take a mental picture of your cart. Does it look like the picture above? Attempt to make what you consume 75% fresh fruits and vegetables (organic, whenever possible) and limit the processed and refined foods. A good rule-of-thumb is to shop in the 'perimeter' of the grocery store and avoid all the inner aisles.

Losing weight and getting healthy is all about changing habits! Good luck and we at AK TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS are here to help!

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