Monday, August 30, 2010

Is The Drive Thru Diet Right For Anchorage?

I was watching The Biggest Loser on TV a few months ago and saw Taco Bell’s commercial advertising the Drive Thru Diet. At first I thought it was a joke and couldn’t help but chuckle, but soon realized that it was another shameless attempt to fool people into thinking that low fat, low carb, or low cal is the answer to lose all your weight. The commercial peaked my interest though and so I went to the advertised website where I watched the infomercial in astonishment describing Christine’s experience (“results not typical”) of losing 54 pounds over two years while picking items from the Taco Bell menu that are under nine grams of fat. They even back up their “diet” with a registered dietician and several testimonies (from paid actors). WHO ARE THEY TRYING TO KID? WHO FALLS FOR THIS? … Unfortunately I believe there are a lot of people who believe this trash, otherwise advertisers wouldn’t be doing it.

The Drive Thru Diet may seem ridiculous to you and this may seem like an extreme example, but the bottom line is WE ARE BEING DUPED! The food industry and advertisers are fooling millions of people every day into buying their products that are essentially junk food, but we are consuming them because we believe them to be healthy. Everyone would like to be healthy and for the most part I think most people would like to eat health, however it is very difficult to know what is healthy unless you are willing to dedicate hours of reading and researching like I have done. Even most doctors are oblivious to proper nutrition … have you ever been to a hospital cafeteria?

THE PROBLEM: commercialized/industrialized food producers owned by mega-corporations have taken food (the nourishment for life) and turned it into a commodity with the sole purpose of ensuring profits for share-holders. Too political for you? … Well a majority of the foods we eat are grown or produced in a manner to ensure maximum profits. Is that surprising? Do you think that they spray chemical pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, etc. on our fruits and vegetables because it enhances the flavour? NO, it allows for higher production and MORE MONEY! How does this affect your health? … THEY DON’T CARE!

I DO CARE and that is why we help people to EAT RIGHT! I don’t care if people want to look better or fit in their skinny jeans (although we will use that motivation), but rather I want people to regain their health, their energy, their vitality and actually feel better… the side-effect is that you will LOSE WEIGHT TOO!

If you would like to learn how to eat right (not what the advertisers tell you is right) and regain your health and lose weight while you are doing it … then sign up for our FREE Seminar at or call (907)522-1410 Now!

Yours in health,
Dr. Cameron Kmet

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New and Improved HCG Diet for Anchorage Alaska!

HCG this; HCG that … All I hear about these days is the HCG Diet! Everybody wants to know if we offer the HCG diet and what I think about the HCG diet and how can I do the HCG diet? Well I can tell you that I was extremely skeptical of the HCG diet at first. First of all because Kevin Trudeau (the infomercial guy, hocking his books) was the person to introduce HCG to the masses and for some reason I just don’t trust him. But more importantly, I know from experience that hormones are a very delicate thing to balance and the idea of injecting human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) into your body to lose weight just didn’t sound like a good idea. The fact that you only eat 500 calories per day sounded even less healthy and unsustainable for any prolonged length of time making a rebound to the former weight that much more likely. All of these points made me very apprehensive towards the diet.

Early on, when I began practice I soon recognized the impact that being overweight had on a person’s health. Being overweight or obese contributed to back and joint pain, low energy, poor sleep, heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and the list just goes on and on… I saw the laundry list of medications my patients were taking and for the most part all of the conditions they were experiencing were totally preventable and even reversible with a change in certain lifestyle choices. I decided I wanted to help my patient’s with their weight loss problems and so I started searching for good, healthy options to assist my patients in losing their excess weight. The big problem was that I couldn’t find any diets or programs that I thought dealt with the complex issue of obesity in this country. All of the popular diets were about “calories in – calories out” where the quality of food wasn’t addressed only the number of calories or points or whatever… Low fat, low carb, low cal .. they were all essentially the same, except they all miss the boat.

The one thing I have learned after years of dealing with weight problems is that it is about QUALITY vs. QUANTITY. We have all heard the saying that : “you are what you eat” and this is very true! So with that quote in mind does it make sense that you can eat the tacos at Taco Bell with less that 9 grams of fat (“Drive Thru Diet”), or eat low-fat ice cream just because it is lower in calories? If you eat garbage, then you are garbage … if you eat low-fat or low carb garbage, then you are still garbage… there really is no difference! The quality of our food has severely declined in the last 50-60 years and so has our health along with it. All the processed and refined foods from a box, bag or can that have been stripped of their nutrients and packed full of artificial dyes, preservatives, hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals are making us SICK AND FAT!

Back to HCG … Now after further evaluation of the diet and personally seeing the results that people can achieve in a relatively short period of time, my opinion has changed slightly. Although I still see some limitations in the HCG diet, I believe that with some modifications and the support that we offer at BURN FAT ALASKA we have improved the diet. Firstly, we don’t inject synthetic HCG hormones but rather use a homeopathic HCG that you take sublingually (under the tongue) that has no side-effects. Secondly, we provide the highest quality whole-food supplements to provide your body with the essential nutrients that it needs despite the ultra low-calorie intake. Lastly, we offer the support, accountability and education to make the lifestyle changes necessary to see LONG-TERM SUCCESS!

The HCG diet is just one of many custom weight reduction programs that we offer at Burn Fat Alaska. If you would like to learn more about HCG or any of other programs then register for one of our Free Seminars at or call (907)522-1410 today!

Yours in health,
Dr. Cameron Kmet